Why Chris Hughes is Unique!!!


Chris Hughes
Chris Hughes


He is just 25years. He is the co-founder of Facebook. The guy who brought Obama to the world faster than any other media. He is the marketer extraordinare. The guy who coordinated my.barackobama.com. He was very instrumental to Obama’s online fame and ultimate presidency…

In case you did not know, by the time the campaign was over, volunteers had used My.BarackObama.com to:

–Create more than 2 million profiles

–Plan 200,000 real-world events

–Form 35,000 volunteer groups

–Post 400,000 blogs

–Raise $30 million on 70,000 people’s own fund-raising pages


Just thought I should share this with you. PLEASE read about this wonder boy here @  http://www.fastcompany.com/magazine/134/boy-wonder.html

Ochuko’s blog is proud to feature Chris Hughes in the YouAreUnique series.

Author: ochuko

Ochuko: The Lord is my helper!!

9 thoughts on “Why Chris Hughes is Unique!!!”

  1. there are so many of these wonder kids around and its impressive. I just wish and hope there will be more from naija indigenes.

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